OFT FAQs (Manx Gas FAQs)


Are they aware of the situation with Manx Gas?

The Office of Fair Trading have been aware of the situation now for well over 12 months. They stated in January 2023, argueably through pressure from the BBC, that Manx Gas may face legal action if they continued to produce incorrect billing and other details.

300+ complaints later, they have still yet to do anything that might adequately punish Manx Gas for any of their failings.

Given three hundred complains represents a significant number of the Manx public, and likely only consists of 5% of the true number of people that have faced issues, questions have to be asked as to why the OFT have failed to take action to date.

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Please get in touch if you have any other enquiries, feedback or would just like to let us know of anything that might help others in the Isle of Man deal with issues they may be having with Manx Gas.

If you have a detailed story and would prefer to discuss it over the phone, please leave your number and someone will try and call you back as soon as we can.